“In gross violation of the established traditions of the United Nations, the Permanent Mission of Armenia, in secret from the vast majority of UN members, organized a closed meeting inviting only a small group of countries and biased experts, closing the doors to all other UN members, and even posting security in front of the meeting room, simply to avoid honest discussion at all costs and to shield itself from inevitable exposure.
“As it is widely known, public discussions within the walls of the UN, in cases where they are really aimed at an unbiased and conscientious exchange of views, take place in an open format, with prior notification of member states of the time and place of the event and an invitation to participate. Consequently, the format chosen by the Armenian diplomats could be called unprecedented for the UN, if it wasn’t becoming increasingly common in the case of Armenia, which regularly abuses this platform to promote false narratives. In this context, it is easy to understand the bewilderment and indignation of diplomats of several countries, to whom the Permanent Mission of Armenia not only denied the basic right of all UN members to participate in the discussion, but even threatened them with the police.
“It is characteristic that such tendencies are especially intensified after Armenia receives a worthy and factually accurate rebuff in the course of truly open and substantive discussions, as was the case only a few days earlier during the meeting of the UN Security Council.
“Unsurprisingly, faced with the futility of their attempts to once again slander Azerbaijan in open debates, the Permanent Mission of Armenia has no choice but to do it secretly, behind closed doors.
“It is obvious that such an approach is incompatible with the spirit and letter of the UN Charter and the purposes of the Organization. Thus, it was no coincidence that the UN Secretariat provided a special disclaimer on the conference room information screen that this event is being held on the initiative and solely at the responsibility of the sponsoring country, Armenia, is not endorsed by the UN and is not part of the multilateral process.
“The Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan condemns provocative actions of this kind, including the misuse of the UN platform to form and promote false interpretations that undermine efforts to normalize relations and establish lasting peace and stability in the region,” reads the statement.