These organizations are mainly active in the fields of ecology and health. The coalition’s main goal is to ensure sustainable and lawful oversight of the mining industry’s activities in Armenia and to enhance efforts to address environmental infractions. The EPF includes well-regarded NGOs, and in the past, Armenia’s ecologically focused NGOs have heeded the coalition’s calls and shown unity.
The EPF is calling on the Armenian government to allow access to mining enterprises that have caused ecological and health issues in the South Caucasus for the purpose of environmental oversight. Just a day ago, 49 NGOs and environmental activists from 22 different countries released a declaration criticizing the operations within Armenia’s mining sector for breaching international environmental norms and standards, which poses a threat to the global ecosystem. They are advocating for environmental justice in the South Caucasus region.
Last week, the Environmental Protection First Coalition, together with civil society groups from Armenia and abroad, as well as international bodies involved in environmental and health issues, declared their willingness to undertake environmental monitoring at the Amuldagh gold mine.
The coalition has received numerous requests to join, with environmental groups from across the globe sending messages of support. To date, 19 NGOs have joined the coalition.
The following is a list of organizations that have recently joined the Environmental Protection First Coalition:
- Tukazban Aghababayeva, “Eco Hub” Environmental Initiatives Support Public Union
- Elman Yusifov, “Ekostil-Azerbaijan” Nature Protection Public Union
- Islam Mustafayev, “Ruzgar” Ecological Public Union
- Mugabil Bayramov, “Azerbaijan Cartographers” Public Union
- Tavakkul Isgandarov, “Biological Diversity Center” Public Union
- Rovshan Abbasov, “Towards a Healthy Life” Ecological Public Union
- Zurab Israfilov, “Azerbaijan Nature Protection Society” Public Union
- Sabina Verdiyeva, “Family and Environment” Public Union
- Latafat Alizade, “Health and Healthy Life” Public Union
- Irada Hasanova, Head of the “Sky and Eco” Assistance to Social and Economic Development Public Union
- Chingiz Ramazanli, “Towards a Tuberculosis Free Future” Public Union
- Jasarat Huseynzade, “Support for Information and Social Initiatives” Public Union
- Elman Jafarli, “Green World” Environmental Awareness Public Union
- Sevil Isayeva, “Ekolex” Environmental Law Center Public Union
- Rubaba Huseynli, “Ecologist” Environmental Protection Public Union