Earlier, the Russian Telegram channel BAZA published a “transcript” of the cockpit voice recorder, detailing the communications between the crew of the crashed plane and air traffic controllers.
The transcript begins at 7:36:57 Moscow time, recording routine communications between the crew and controllers in Grozny. At 8:16, the crew reported: “Grozny, control failure. Bird strike, and two seats in the cockpit exploded.” After that, they discussed emergency landing options in Mineralnye Vody, Makhachkala, or returning to Baku, as well as the need for fire and emergency medical services.
At 8:52:46, the crew reported to the Rostov Air Traffic Control Center: “Oxygen is running out in the passenger cabin. It seems an oxygen tank exploded. There’s a smell of fuel, and some passengers are losing consciousness.”
Kazakh authorities emphasized that the information from the black boxes significantly differs from what was presented.
“Wait for information from official sources,” Kanat Bozumbayev concluded.