These are the results of the 7th wave of the COVID-19 Behavioural Insights Survey (BIS), conducted last November by WHO Azerbaijan, as part of the EU-funded Solidarity for Health Initiative and COVID-19 Vaccination Support projects.
The purpose of this study was to conduct monitoring of COVID-19 and vaccination risk perception, behavioural and other factors over time and to assess the relations between them. The survey also assessed disruption of the essential health services during pandemic.
According to the survey results, the share of respondents that think current restrictions are greatly exaggerated remains roughly unchanged from August (23% strongly agree, meanwhile 52% strongly disagree). A total of 89% of respondents report having been vaccinated. Among those unvaccinated, fewer than 5% reported that they would definitely not get vaccinated, whereas the share of undecided respondents increased to 35% compare to August (25 %).