“From the money talks series! Apparently, in the eve of the “anniversary” of the most terrible, bloody and criminal separatist entity in Europe so-called “Nagorno-Karabakh Rep”, a new dramatic misinformation and manipulation campaign was launched by the order of the Armenian Government and Armenian lobby groups.
At least, but disgracefully, the former NATO Secretary General does not deny that he is paid by the Government of Armenia for propaganda campaign. Copy of income sheet is attached.
Hypocritically, some politicians divide the world between “good and bad separatists and criminals”. Old habits die hard!
But disturbing is that the BBC in its Charter declaring that “is committed to achieving due impartiality in all its output. This commitment is fundamental to our reputation, our values and the trust of audiences” is engaged in one-sided and biased aggressive manipulation and promotion of lies as well in “Context” program. BBC should serve as a platform for all voices, particularly on sensitive topics.” – wrote Hajiyev.
From the money talks series! Apparently, in the eve of the "anniversary" of the most terrible, bloody and criminal separatist entity in Europe so-called "Nagorno-Karabakh Rep", a new dramatic misinformation and manipulation campaign was launched by the order of the Armenian… pic.twitter.com/UnFQTBFNsB
— Hikmet Hajiyev (@HikmetHajiyev) September 3, 2023