, founded by Trend News Agency in France, published an article by its CEO Jean-Michel Brun on the biased resolution of the lower house of the French parliament, the National Assembly, which unanimously demands “to stop Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia”.
The article states that this resolution passed in the National Assembly is illegal.
“The resolution was passed unanimously. But on closer inspection, it is not as simple as it seems. Only 256 out of 577 MPs were present at the vote. In other words, only those who were in favor of the resolution attended the debate. Those who were opposed could have voted against it or abstained. They preferred to be absent rather than publicly denounce the text and risk reprisals from the Armenian electorate,” the author says.
He also recalls that the recent “Yellow Vests” crisis has highlighted the gap that now exists between the French people and the Parliament, which they consider no longer able to represent them.
“This ridiculous resolution certainly does not reflect the opinion of the French, even if they are subjected to the incessant propaganda of the pro-Armenian media.
“Nor does it reflect, at least in the mind of a number of members of the French diplomacy, that of the government,” Brun stresses.
According to the journalist, the text of the resolution looks more like a pro-Armenian manifesto than an opinion of the National Assembly.
“This resolution is appalling because it inverts the realities observed on the ground,” he points out.
The article says that the resolution only mentions the Armenian victims of the 44-day war: “Counting 7,000 ‘displaced’ Armenians, the resolution just forgets to mention the hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis who were expelled from Karabakh in the first Karabakh war.”
The author of the article notes that since the signing of the trilateral statement of November 10, 2020, to which the French MPs refer, the Armenian side has constantly violated its provisions, in particular, continued to plant landmines in the territory of Azerbaijan.
The French journalist further stresses that Armenia is still reluctant to hand over accurate mine location maps, endangering the lives of the military personnel and the civilians involved in reconstruction work in the liberated territories.